Spinomania :3さんのプロフィール画像

Spinomania :3さんのイラストまとめ

Spino 💜
Asexual, purple-loving, quirky & edgy spinosaurus fan
Tweets about UTDR, Monster Hunter, Sonic, and MLP
Very rarely animates stuff in Blockbench

フォロー数:187 フォロワー数:430

Is this a pigeon

236 1679



I really wanna see monoblos back man....
Aside from him digging less and being more goring oriented than diablos, i think something cool they could do is to give him an ire mechanic, paying homage to how he was only a solo hunt in older games

4 31

-primarily blue
-has a super form with yellow energy
-speed is the main combat trait
-slightly cocky
-is all about being cool
-has a counterpart with a black white and red colour scheme
-has fans argue which version of him looks better down to the tiniest details

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