world's most normal matsuda fanさんのプロフィール画像

world's most normal matsuda fanさんのイラストまとめ

mostly sdr2 / dr0 | i draw and sometimes do analysis threads | rt heavy | shedtwt gets reported

フォロー数:85 フォロワー数:761

it stands to reason, then, that komaeda's lack of romantic interest in the female cast of sdr2 is intentional.

beyond that, komaeda is frequently shown to be actively disinterested in women, even in situations where the other guys are ogling or flustered.

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komaeda's attraction to men (specifically hinata and kamukura) is not subtle. i doubt i need to sell anyone on this, but for the sake of thoroughness, here are some of the things komaeda has said to hinata:

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komaeda is gay: why it's canon and why it's narratively significant

[a thread!]

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i had to draw 's bunnymaeda... it was necessary to my wellbeing

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3. he’s not afraid to stand up for what he believes in!! he stands up for his friends and isn’t afraid to call people out when theyre being pieces of shit. also he drinks his respect women juice

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2. he’s kindhearted! when hinata faints in the prologue, everyone else wanders off to explore, but komaeda stays behind and makes sure he’s okay, talks him down from his panic, etc. he even goes to help him introduce himself when he sees how nervous hinata still is

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