Crystal|🍉| Dream Droppingさんのプロフィール画像

Crystal|🍉| Dream Droppingさんのイラストまとめ

Hi Crystal/Emily
I'm an artist who usually draws OC stuff But i uh talk a lot here
Icon by @Artichow!
My Ko-Fi:

フォロー数:265 フォロワー数:232

guess i gotta log in ten tons for her bc i want this ascended skin

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since i said spirits are valid to this too
Ruby Carbuncle!
you're giving us all infinite food so that's a reason to be connected to ruby and you like pokemon stuff which means i have to mention the fact that ruby is the same species as espeon!

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Yeah they dating XD
Was unintentional but hey i like the ship so yayy XD

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I keep reminding myself that this face exists bc a snake spirit impaled itself through him

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If you see this tweet quote it with your taste in women

IM learning to respect Kourin more. And let's be honest i just like these gals they're neat but faves are sothis and rati

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One burning draw delivered for therapy purposes UwU

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Judai may be a idiot but he's lovable for that reason
Considering he didn't get this and how he kept calling misawa misa-poo throughout s2 too
(tutorshipping fans would possibly see it as intentional but eh) he really didn't get love lol

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I love the cute energy this face gives off

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Judai you may be a lovable idiot but you gotta understand the poo nicknames are not casual nicknames.

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"Won't you B E M I N E ♥️ ~?"
I know it's two days til valentines but who cares.
It's yubel and they refuse to be left out :p
(And spirit logic defys how it looks like their arms are going through the chocolate lmao my anatomy isn't all that great haha.)

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