

I'm a female artist entering college & draw both traditionally & digitally. I have stories & characters and so on & I hope ya like what I have to offer.⚓✝

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Quarantine has made really want to draw more, being all cooped up and all. Iv'e wanted to draw Tokoyami for a while now but I suppose I just never got around to it. I love this birb a lot though so I thought it was time. So here's sum birds!

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So, my mom, nana, and I were watching The Sound of Music today and all the nice dresses in it made me want to draw one. So I decided to draw my mortician/grave digger character, Davie, in a pretty striped dress.

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So, I love drawing spider people. I haven't drawn them in a while funny enough, so I decided to draw this 40s lad singing a Cab Calloway song.

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Here's a snek boy I've been workin on for a bit. He's my bro's character named Nylar'Tepoth that he introduced in one of his D&D campaigns he's DMing for. I loved his personality & description so I had to draw him & now thanks to some collaboration with my bro, HE LIVES!

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My character, Shou, finds a camera!

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Just some druid lady I drew based off a weeping willow tree. It was my brother's idea and he really like the outcome and I do too.

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Here's something of one of my characters named Gwendaline. I wanted to try a grey pallet and a different brush sand I really like how it turned out.

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Happy New Year everyone! Here's a quick tired digital Petris ,my bird lad for the occasion.(it's a bit messy but ehh it's alright heh)

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So,it’s a bit gory and I’m aware that it’s not even October yet but hey,it’s never too early for some spooky drawings~ So I attempted to draw my own take on the headless horsemen and I quite like how it came out!

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