

fleeting promethean
draws a bit

フォロー数:187 フォロワー数:529

106 🦎🦎

riv tessek
spreading work out over a few days has been good for my brain

6 30

104 🦎


3 18

i would be deeply honored to see you (an apt dragon artist) draw this dragon with an actual semblance of draconic-ness

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98 💻🖥️

my desktop

1 8

95 🚗

¡Bonito como él solo y jala como un campeón!
¡Tracción delantera, independiente suspensión!

¡Tremendo motor de larga duración!
¡4 cilindros, 1600!

¡Potencia sin restricción, y suave su dirección!
¡Es g

1 12

93 ⭐️🚪

its naquadah november

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88 🐟

god of water and moons and mind. he likes fish and has a water plume that is dubiously a part of his body

the burnt ivory crook and oar mysteriously extend and contract as he desires and needs, to seemingly no limit

3 18

87 🎃

she's drinking a pumpkin spice latte at her favorite café. it's been a long month!

3 23

86a 🖋️

the aforementioned banger piece:
made for a secret santa (spook). vry happy with this!

character is a hell archivist/reaper type with a huge fountain pen and i basically scrunched her down into fitting alongside jet set radio aesthetics (as best as i can, at least)

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