

フォロー数:356 フォロワー数:296


5 16

水無月涙 (2012—2019)

36 58

hello, purintsuo () !! i was your secret santa for this year ♡

since you had a wide range of what you would like to receive, i ended up with doing harunatsu!

i hope you have a great day and (if you do) an amazing holiday!! 💖

9 19

Vol. 1 ⇨ RE:START ③

16 29

do you ever just start crying because

171 249

i hate how well it fits

0 4

❀ a wild and unorganized thread about sakuraba ryouta and his character ❀

51 69

ken has grown so much ever since growth started and seeing that development made me shiver and tear up at the same time

he got so much more confident and handsome... puberty surely hit him hard

109 175

zix is dropping their newest mixtape yall

5 21