

Freelance artist who also does fanart & Niki's yt thumbnails :D
spookydoodle.carrd.co♡ check out my carrd for more info! Comms open!

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I made an emote for sleepytwt discord!! I waited to post cuz I didn't know if it was gonna work but it does so pog! Also I'm not gonna have WiFi for the weekend so probably won't be on Twitter/ discord as much + I can't post ://

1 28

Witchy vibes :)) tryna practice with color recently, still not there yet but I'm improving <3

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Bullets by the stork's feet for your copy paste please lmao.

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Didn't know what to draw so I doodled myself :)). I've also got one other pic of me in my drafts rn,, cuz I'd have to ask to use a friend's pic and that's always awkward lmao. Also kinda wack that at this point we're celebrating making it to the next month. Happy May lol.

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I finally got my new program set up!! The last one was rly bad quality so now I can make nice looking pieces! :)) Ofc my first test had to be a Niki doodle, lil scuffed it was just a doodle to begin with so I didn't perfect it or anything. Love how it came out tho!!

1 28

Not fan art, but a project I'm proud of! It's an illustration of the positive parts of quarantine for my art class :)) Btw, my commissions are open! I feel like I don't advertise it a lot lol. I don't have set prices bc it depends on the piece, but I'm saving up to buy a uke :)

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