Is Pretending to be an Artistさんのプロフィール画像

Is Pretending to be an Artistさんのイラストまとめ

Art account for @squirrelkitty 🐈
Lots of fanart and OC stuff 🐿 Commissions Closed 🐈 Ask me about art trades 🐿

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Behold, a collection of Hexside doodlies plus an that I drew before Clouds on the Horizen that I forgot to post

So my enthusiasm for this ship is dead, but I might as well post this in case there are still Olador stans out there who will appreciate it :3

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The third drawing I did for a challenge on Tumblr.

This was definitely my favorite from the other ones I did for Dalador Week

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The second drawing I did for a challenge on Tumblr.

What can I say? This is my OT3

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Looks like the Emperor will have to wait a bit for the newest Abomatons.

Like, yeah, I know they're terrible parents; but I can't stop thinking about them and I have no other outlit to express it.

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It's partically a redraw of some of the characters I drew last year with their design changes plus come characters that I've grown fond of in Season two.

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