Sara(Rose) Freedmanさんのプロフィール画像

Sara(Rose) Freedmanさんのイラストまとめ

𝛪𝒏𝘴𝓽𝒂𝓰𝐫𝒂𝒎: @ꚕ𝝄𝓹𝓮24𝘴𝓮𝒗𝓮𝒏 𝛪 💖 𝓓𝒊𝘴𝒏𝓮𝒚! 𝓗𝝄𝓹𝓮 𝒊𝒏𝘴𝓹𝒊𝐫𝓮𝘴 𝒎𝓮.

フォロー数:4895 フォロワー数:2157

I can’t explain how lucky I am that you’re in my life and how honored I am to be in yours. You’re talent goes for miles and your smile is the envy of every honey bee on the planet. I hope you get everything you wish for. Love you!!!

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