

23 | 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ queer comic artist | he/him | achillean | NA | I talk about comics and mental health, and if you’re nice, you’ll see a drawing. maybe.…

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I’ve got my babe Mahalia! She’s a trans lesbian in love with some German exchange student called Anni and they’re the cutest 🥰

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✨Reach out✨
This might be the hardest thing, but also what’s gonna make you feel better guaranteed 100%. It’s worth taking the leap.

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✨Take a nap✨
You know, sometimes the best thing is just to sleep it off.

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✨Spend time with nature✨
Even taking care of household plants can help you ground. Feel their leaves, the soil they’re rooted in, the water you pour on them.

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Make something for the sake of it. Creating is always therapeutic, this is not for instagram or tweeter, it’s just for you. Make it funny or straight up ugly who cares.

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✨Cook something✨
Especially if food is making you anxious, one way to tame it is cooking it! It gives you a sense of control as you put whatever you want in it. Experiment and explore!

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May it be Netflix or YouTube, sometimes all you need is to take your mind off of what’s making you anxious. Uplifting shows and YouTubers are a must (Queer Eye, Marie Kondo, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye are good bets).

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✨Warm bath✨
Or a warm shower. It’s a bit cliche on self care, but with a bath bomb or yummy smelling shower gel, it can help you ground with your sense of smell and touch.

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✨Good old sunlight✨
It might be hard at first, but going out is great for overall mood. Just a little walk around the block can have a big effect on you.

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✨Have a snack ✨
If food causes you anxiety, have a fruit or something guilt free. The sugar will help you feel better and we all face our battles better on a full stomach.

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