

The internet’s most notorious astrologer.

フォロー数:16479 フォロワー数:83470

Venus just went into Scorpio and I’m already like

71 525

Miley Cyrus has transiting Saturn conjunct her natal Venus, Uranus, and Neptune. Saturn-Venus transits often coincide with breakups. Also, having Venus conjunct Uranus in her natal chart she's more inclined to need freedom, variety, and crave excitement in relationships

19 229

Jeffrey Epstein has transiting Pluto conjunct his natal Mercury and transiting Mars conjunct his natal Pluto. Depending on birth time, he is either a Capricorn or an Aquarius Sun with an Aries Moon.

8 97

Mercury is officially direct!

581 2343

The royal baby is a double Taurus with his Sun at the critical degree (15* Taurus) conjunct his Ascendant. North Node is conjunct his IC opposite Saturn and Pluto conjunct his Midheaven (family ties/duty, karmic).

33 244

For people inquiring about Nipsey Hussie - I don't see any "hard" transits except for Pluto opposite his natal Uranus which is a generational transit. He had several "beneficial" transiting happening so it would be helpful to have birth time to see his angles. He's a double Leo.

18 174

When you look at their chart and see the sex is going to be 🔥🔥🔥

182 793