

fanart illustrations for mutli gacha games and sometimes OC art
Dragalia Lost/Arknights/Wafuri/Blue Archive/Priconne/Project Sekai/Reverse1999


i am Starmine

フォロー数:475 フォロワー数:206

Not sure if this is done before but this Emma sticker should be in the game

49 147

Eudeeeeen finally has a mub sword T_T

0 5

Alex as Little Red Riding Hood

16 32

I never posted the HBH Xiao Lei clear here
All that is left is HJup 👀
Love u Xiao baby

0 3

*lays down*

0 19

Art Trade with Nagi 🌠
Their OC Rebacca 👀

1 4

I hope she comes home uuuu

Its been a long while since ive done traditional so hope u like this as well

13 27

Shes so freaking precious thank you

0 5