


I'm an artist who loves to draw anything cute!🎮🧸🎀🌸

フォロー数:166 フォロワー数:101

I always wanted Tropical Splash Barbie as kid but I was too young for Barbie's, when I was bit older... they didn't sold anymore.DX

Maybe someday I will get on Ebay or Amazon.XD
I love how it turn out.^^

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I'm been watch MLP and EG again to keep myself busy... I have throat strep. TwT *My throat is hurting*
It's been hard to swallow food. TwT *Was bed resting*
Anyway I am glad to watch MLP and EG again. :)
Still waiting for MLP G5.XD

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Wow, I'm so proud how this came out! OoO

I been relearning Photoshop and watching bunch tutorials and I'm happy that I'm learning new techniques.^^

Also I been listening bunch of vocaloids songs and Deep Sea Girl was one of them.XD

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Wow, I haven't draw in while. I haven't been feeling well, due to my illness. I ate something my stomach didn't like. Apricot jam donut.
That fucking Jam had giving me a fever for three days. I was drain for while...

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