//=time() ?>
// yume , mizuhoshi
Idk what happens to me but my yume brain as been activated so here you go https://t.co/CmfAmI345E
@Keichupiko [angguk2 antusias terus ajak Kei nari nari] ciap! Ciap! (translate: ikz gepengin diri)
Gatau bakal nyesel atau enggak tapi pengen drop sona pas masih kecil vs sekarang
Feel free to ask karena sbnrnya sonaku punya banyak misteri//HEH
Mungkin kalo niat nanti aku ramble lebih jauh (•ω•)
i've said this on a discord server but what if we make a godza zine for reni's bday 👀 ngl i would do it if i knew how to host a zine