

As a family of God, we love to learn and learn to love 💕

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Day 34: EnviroLent challenge 🙏🏼🌎

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their prayer. (1 Peter 3:12)

Heavenly Father, please look after those who are suffering and those people who are having a hard time in their lives. Amen

Make eco bricks 🧱

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EnviroLent challenge Day 7 🙏🏼🌍

Joseph was just a man. (Matthew 1)

God, You gave us St Joseph as an example to follow. His work ethic and consideration for others is an inspiration for us all to follow. Amen

Show your respect to your parents by cleaning up after yourself.

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EnviroLent challenge: Day 4 🙏🏼🌍

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139)

Heavenly Father, when You created me, You saw the best in me. Help me to love others; to see them as You see them, beautifully made. Amen

Challenge: Only use positive words today

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Who will be our stars of the week this week..? 🌟🌟🌈🌈♥️♥️ find out in our Facebook live celebration assembly tomorrow at 10am St Charles RC Primary

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