

( 🔕; dms open ) translations by @stcrfeesh

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:391


Hmph. If apologies were of any uSE, then what would we even need the police fOR?

The Kitten You're Looking for is...?
— Natsume Sakasaki (CN-Exclusive Idol Story)

CN Proofing:
EN Proofing:


31 122

Hmph. If apologies were of any uSE, then what would we even need the police fOR?

The Kitten You're Looking for is...? (CN-Exclusive Idol Story)
— Natsume Sakasaki

CN Proofing: jewwyfeesh (https://t.co/dAHoAWySYU)
EN Proofing:

Read here: https://t.co/8Yo6OM7b7p

53 128