

i draw

フォロー数:313 フォロワー数:581

a delusion i had .. 😌💭

3 26

this anime makes no sense anD I LOVE IT

0 4

I can't express this enough but thank you again for an awesome year! 🥳🎉💖 For the wishes, and of course the amazing presents! 😭💕 i'm very happy to be able to receive your thoughtful arts despite how busy everyone might have been recently! 🙏 ILY'ALL THANK YOU!!!!!! 🥺💖✨🎉

0 21

I was born!!! 🥳🎉

the thing with rl disasters continue to confuse the hell outta me but there's always home with y'all here!!! Thank you for a wonderful community and please take care of me from now on too!!! 🌠✨

12 79

忙しくてめちゃ落書きなんだけど毎年のあれな٩( 'ω' )و おめでとう!!!明日たくさん食べようね!!楽しみだー!!🎉

0 8

a special day coming soon!!! ✨🎉🥳

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