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My picture of Scotish figurative artist Peter Doig new artwork 2019 "Music (2 Trees)" distemper on linen at his new artworks 2019 on 2 floors @_MichaelWerner_ London W1K 7PX Show ends 16/11/19
#peterdoig #figurativeartwork #trinidadandtobago #gotme #dreaming of @bacoletbeach
My picture of Dj Nicky Trax & her mate Jo Rendell posing in front of artist Marty Thornton artwork at Marty solo exhibition 'Fake as F..k' private view, The Stash Gallery, Vout-O-Reenees London E1 8BB
#djnickytrax #artinlondon #londonart @martythornton @VoutOReenees
My picture of 1 of artist @Pandemonia artworks on the wall of @blacksclubsoho London At Pandemonia's Forever 21 birthday party & private veiw of P's exhibition on the walls & windows of floors of the club presented by @GalleryRunway #popart #contemporaryart #londonart
My picture of a bunch of highly spirited Rainbow females on the Northern line underground train, post London Pride traveling to Camden to a party
#rainbowgirls #highlyspirited #londonpride #londonsights #creativecampaigners #creativeminds #lgbtevent #stonewall50 @prideinlondon
My picture 'Bildnis in der Laube' by Swiss artist Paul Klee circa 1930 a watercolour and gouache on paper, on cardboard at Galerie von Vertes stand D9, Masterpiece International Art Fair London SW3 4LW Show ends 03/07/19 #swissartist #paulklee #GalerieVonVertes @MasterpieceFair
My picture of creatives #EmilySarahSmitheram #WilliamRomeril & #MollyWilcock @UniCreativeArts jewellery graduates modelling their products @NewDesigners SHow One in Business Design Centre, London N1 OQH. Show ends 29/06 #sustainablejewellers #awaredesigners #fashionaccessories
My picture of Laura Carletto on the arm of Christian Vit actor known for Game of Thrones, Holby City & The Job Lot at artist #AndyMoses solo exhibition 'Echoes of Light' private view in JD Malat Gallery London W1K 4NB #lauracarletto & @Chr_Vit 2 #devishbeauties @JeanDavidMalat
My picture, Charlie Ellis, her 2 mannequins displaying her student statement, digital media to traditional technique with 'Bending Structure' inspired by deconstuctivist architects at her final year @RoyalNeedlework BA (hons) show, studio space Hampton Court Palace @HRP_palaces
My picture Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh work of art, his 'Self-Portrait' In this painting Van Gogh is smartly-dressed, during his last few months in Paris His brushstrokes, radiating from his face & his eyes show his confident use of colours. At 'The Ey Exhibition @Tate Britain
My picture of Dutch artist, Vincent van Gogh work of art 'Still Life with Plaster statuette' painting. The plaster cast of Venus was made by Van Gogh and in the artwork he put a flower & French realist novels. At 'The Ey Exhibition Van Gogh and Britain' @Tate Britain London