

You're crying in my replies and I won't even see it.

フォロー数:771 フォロワー数:2292

AI generated Ben Affleck Batman

6 40

Who even cares about Zack being on these streams anymore? Well, not many judging from the view count

0 9

I've just decided that if you like this movie you're not a real snyder fan since we already got the theatrical cut which was already world of snyder and thats the version any real snyder fan would support since it has snyderverse characters in being used by a different director

14 53

You literally said who gives a fuck what he thinks, after tweeting for his vision to be restored.

0 2

"Bullied a company"


Fuck we are bad ass.

23 136

I bet it really hurt poor Mick when he had to pick up a film and not a TV box set.

5 21