mom0ka @ Anime Expo E19さんのプロフィール画像

mom0ka @ Anime Expo E19さんのイラストまとめ


Here for inspo and posting art🙆‍♀️shop prints and merch below! Contact: [email protected]

Monogatari Series☆MonHun☆Xenoblade Chronicles

フォロー数:301 フォロワー数:21447

Shop officially on hiatus, and just sent in the reorder for the Nia/B Nia reorders as well as the new KOS MOS and Poppi QT PI mousepad designs. I never showed the completed artwork but this is a sneak peak of what will be available in the upcoming month :) still working on dakis!

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こいつとの戦いもよいぞ!楽しすぎてかっこよくてNocturneもすぐに買って遊び始めました😌I beat Demi-Fiend too! It was so fun I bought Nocturne right away and started playing it 😊

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遅くなりますが、クリア記念のイラストとして描いた主人公くんです。はじめてのメガテンをクリアできたことをわいわいしたくて描いたものです😊To celebrate the completion of my first SMT game, I drew the protagonist🙏

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Shes done 🧡🧡 Thank you everyone for showing your support, especially of this Nia design which sold out!! I'm so happy I was able to challenge myself by drawing all of the girls from the front and back with a kind of sexier style than usual ^^)/

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