

hilda | she/her | lesbian | speedrunner, artist, and like a million other things (icon by ME)…

フォロー数:665 フォロワー数:271

no you arent getting a screenshot/gameplay video, youre getting murpy in sweater (i will be posting more ingame stuff soon tho prolly)

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HAPPY 12TH BIRTHDAY TO COGDIS!! i adore this game and it deserves all the love in the world :) please go play it if you havent already! and if you have played it then go play it again!! its great!!!!

11 26

developing murphy's fighting style

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happy everyone, from your local lesbalien :)

2 10

drew 's gieegsona, miia. cuz shes COOL

2 8

the four horsemen of my cogdis art

4 10

mewty-pie, for my side of an art trade with !!

4 50

henoka :) this is the first digital drawing ive done shading on in a long time and i think it turned out pretty decent, also i finally decided on a design for her skirt

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