

I'm Cameo. (she/him) Full-time Lawyer (Civil Rights/Public Interest/Advocacy), Part-Time Geek. Writing, TTRPG, Cosplay Find me:

フォロー数:605 フォロワー数:307

He's fun! What's he like? My dragon girl makes this face

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One winged Angel but with eyes. One Winged Eyengel? someone draw him like this

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She-ra spin off looks ok, I like Adora’s twin, he’s cute. 10/10 would ruffle his hair.

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This is Mitth'Rae'Sabosen aka Thraes (pronounced like Thrace) she's a former sky walker who spent her childhood buried in her questis and is really into tech, brilliant slicer, and droid enthusiast. Craves freedom. Is socially awkward.

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But I think the pandemic has made it easier just do things do to do them without worrying as much. Like I can’t draw but I’ve been drawing things too. Critical Role and you, all you guys, have been an inspiration

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I discovered does couples pictures. These are my ships. The past two episodes of have been amazing!

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imagine @ (genderfluid bi icon) being like

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Ok so here me out. Play a fey pact Warlock. Her patron is her boyfriend she met in high school. She's pact of the chain and her familiar is an adorable piglet that looks like this. We hit every girly YA trope men hate.

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