A Scottさんのプロフィール画像

A Scottさんのイラストまとめ

A Scottish words' illustrator, a cartoonist & designer interested in tech, software, art, design, life and the environment. Also on @[email protected]

フォロー数:696 フォロワー数:504

prompt:7 skoosh;
“Yir skoosh is doon the cundie fur it’s bad fur yir teeth. Ah’ll gie ye milk.”

5 23

Famous hat peens tae Giles’s grannies’ no brainier. word a week Giles one of the best loved British and compassionate commentator. More at: https://t.co/OwWCejMFHt

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word a week “If I wiz you I wid bide still and no kerry oan like a fly oan tap o the watter, ye dinni want tae end up a catch for that troot.” https://t.co/CVOY428d9Q

1 1

I still have one although it’s acting as a box to support a monitor. But if I connect it up to what’s needed it still fires up. At least the last time I did it it did - about eight years ago. Still got my G4 too. Fav. https://t.co/6W1kLEtr4S

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words Fykerie. “Ah hope it’s no ower strong. It looks gey dark tae me. Did ye gie it a steer, twa sugars anaw aye?” 20yrs of words: https://t.co/7pvgbAO8NK

1 3

Ach, it’s just a tale put about by them Shetlanders to stop us stealing their … urgle gurgle gurgle bubble urgle…

1 6

“Bit yer tellin me ye have yer ain spacehurlie.
Onie chance o a lift? I wiz feart tae row past ye swimmin til ‘e speakit tae me in Scots.” word a week https://t.co/L13dNu6QIC

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“…Noo are ye absolootly sure ah’ll still be able to gab tae ye through this preserving fluid?…”

The weekly word - in a tech

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It was my job to outdoor the daddy long legs that got in on warm evenings. Years since I’ve had to relocate ANY, never mind, less than I used to. Still got sash windows. As a kid I remember my uncles hosing down the Morris Minor radiator of bug bodies.

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Jings. Despite my drawing I thought they only threatened and didn’t actually make serious contact. Now educated. “Keep yer heid doon Willie, the Bonxies are parteeclarly skeery this year…” more at: https://t.co/yCIAMDhEKH

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