

Inspiring a new generation of writers. Publish comics & stories in multiple languages, take challenges, and get expert feedback at

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This is the diary of another cat...the other cat being Katie, daughter of Timmy and Peaches. See the world through the eyes of this sassy feline.

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Justine's Illustrations focuses on dreamy illustrations of beautiful characters as they evolve in colorful worlds. Take a look at her pencil, watercolor and digital artwork for your next longform story about friendship.

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Just a friendly lion enjoying the sunshine... but what is he about to get into? You tell us! Check out artwork from Alex Novoseltsev of Samara, Russia, who also features sea creatures like an X-ray fish, whale, octopus and alligators.

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Pouting princesses, elvish ingenues, mysterious maidens — artist Glass Seahorse's fanciful creations are sure to inspire brilliant storytelling. Explore her work today!

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From the mind of illustrator Julius Tan is a world full of extremes: ultra big, super small, really wide and uber tall! Find elves, starships and giant robots to tell your next story on Storybird!

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Penny Lane has been in the foster system since she was seven. But when she gets a letter from The Sunshine Valley Academy for Foster Kids and Troubled Youth she'll have to face a new set of problems.

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Do you want to build a snowman? Or, at least write a story about building one? Known as Mercheland, Merche Moreno’s artwork will help draw that story from your typing hands.

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From the mind of illustrator Julius Tan is a world full of extremes: ultra big, super small, really wide and uber tall! Find elves, starships and giant robots to tell your next story on Storybird!

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When a cat needs to find the perfect Valentine's Day gift for his girlfriend, what could go wrong? SO MANY THINGS!
This super cute story will leave you with a smile on your face :)

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Who let the mice out? Meow, meow, meow. Pookie is one rockin’ cat, and he’ll inspire your next poem, picture book or flash fiction with his zany tales. Check out the illustrations from Cat-alogue for your next writing adventure!

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