

Hi I'm Ellie and you can usually find me on everything under Strawbellie666 or Strawbellie6. Currently very obsessed with Sasaki to Miyano. sorry folks 😔

フォロー数:398 フォロワー数:232

This one. The sheer happiness on Sasaki's face while leaning in Miyano's arms and letting himself be spoiled hhhhhhhhhh

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Anyways have a brick doodle

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Me: I love Sasamyaa
Also me: -draws more Kagihira-
Anyways have a quick doodle I drew in class instead of paying attention

1 13

First serious attempt at Sasamyaa art and it's not even them! These two live rent free in my head constantly thanks to Serica and god I love them so much ;-; posted both versions because I couldn't pick which one I like more.

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Posting the chibi kagihira doodle from a few days as motivation for myself to draw them more

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Speedran art today bc I've been too sick the last 3 days to do anything much. I really like Bam's season 3 hairstyle ✨

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I have had this one sitting in my WIP folder for weeks because I was too lazy to go back and fix the roses but I finally went and did it. Maybe I'll draw more tog characters with flowers later

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Based off this twitter thread https://t.co/WD1eiRY5ib
I wanted to do a quick doodle for it. Which one suits her better?

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