

| Stray | 29 | I help make shit for museums full-time | manga colorist/artist | 18+ content |

フォロー数:158 フォロワー数:351

"You promised, Vanitas." Ch. 42.
Happy Birthday

16 48

*Me rising from the dead to post this*

47 126

A little Yato doodle for my friend ! You got this dude. Keep your head up. ^-^

14 58

"Mizuchi, what's the matter? Doing some navel-gazing? I said I was sorry, Mizuchi! Come! Chiki!" - Chapter 96.2 - Call My Name

27 71

Listen... this piece was literally put together piece by piece. I had no intentions to make a collage. It was just gonna be the one Yato. After the third I was like...yes...this is happening now...

28 72

"I'm going to defeat my dad and stop the chain of misfortune." Panels from Chapters 19, 63, 74 & 75

111 231

Guess I'll post him here too.

23 87

"Hey... so I'm like, five."#noragami

24 86

"Your family is different from mine, Hiyori-chan."
Chapter 96 - Call My Name

31 91