

I'm Stride and I like games n stuff

フォロー数:481 フォロワー数:155

The hero from Dragon Quest VIII was chosen due to his popularity overseas, but the final slot came down to the heroes from the original Dragon Quest game and Dragon Quest IV. They decided on the latter due that hero having a more consistent portrayal across media.

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They're actually doing Twilight Princess rn and the next part to come out is part 9. The Twilight Princess series is by far the longest out of all the Zelda manga lol. I actually have all of the Zelda manga so far though.

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Crono is easily the best possible SE rep for Smash Ultimate. Chrono Trigger was developed by Yuji Horii and Hironobu Sakaguchi, so Chrono Trigger is like if DQ and FF had a baby and by extension Square and Enix having a baby since they weren't merged at the time.

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This may be somewhat of a stretch, but I think Toriyama was inspired by Athena when designing the female warrior for DQIII. Purple hair, half naked, red armor, and the wings on the warrior’s helmet are kind of like the ones on Athena’s shoes.

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These were the moments where I was the most hyped for Smash.

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Peep the new layout

The layout will change depending on what game I'm currently doing a let's play on

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In the remake, it would be cool if the martial artist's belt color changed as they level up.

Levels 1-5: White
Levels 6-10: Yellow
Levels 11-15: Orange
Levels 16-20: Green
Levels 21-25: Purple
Levels 26-30: Blue
Levels 31-35: Red
Levels 36-40: Brown
Levels 41+ Black

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