

🇦🇺 Lifeforce Hurricane - Superhero - Former Multiple Women's World Champion #DoYouDare
(In-Character tweet only unless advised otherwise)

フォロー数:311 フォロワー数:442

Looks like the Australian Lifeforce Hurricane will be making landfall tonight! Rachel, this Shiela is ready to rock and roll!

Shout out to my good mates over at the foxhole server watching the show tonight!

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Heya mates! Have another art strike for you, this time we have a future version of me from the distant Libertyverse (Year 2900) done by . Unleashing the Life Force Magnum on some offscreen foes while protecting the innocent.

10 26

Another awesome contest piece drawn by my good friend . This one is for the awesome and amazing , who I manage to get in touch with at a fan experience. was also kind enough to tag along as well <3

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