Stuart Butchartさんのプロフィール画像

Stuart Butchartさんのイラストまとめ

Chief Scientist at BirdLife International, the world's largest partnership of nature conservation organisations

フォロー数:375 フォロワー数:6983

Conservation doesn't always work, but how can we learn from failure? We've developed a standard classification scheme for root causes of failure to help document & learn from when things don't work out as planned. Another great collaboration

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This was painted by Sarah Biffin, a working class woman born without arms and legs in 1784, who painted with a brush sewn into her dress and manipulated with her shoulder and mouth. An amazing woman, especially for that era!

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Important new paper digging into Living Planet Index. While the global index shows vertebrate populations have declined >50% since 1970, this is driven by <3% of populations. 98.6% of populations are stable. Extreme trends were mostly in short time series

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How many species would have followed the way of the Dodo and gone extinct without the conservation action they received in recent years and decades? Our paper identifying the species is released at midnight tonight. Watch this space!

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New paper on mortality risk in birds during heatwaves in Australia. Bottom line: in some regions, many small bird species will only survive under climate change where there is access to drinking water

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What does want to see in the post-2020 biodiversity framework being negotiated by the world's governments. See

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New paper on case studies showing how tracking data on marine species have helped inform conservation policy and management, incl. reductions in
fisheries bycatch & vessel strikes, and marine protected area design

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Been digging out some images for talk incl some of the 18 recent Hawaiian landbird extinctions, largely driven by invasives

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