

I'm gonna bring a little hell.
I'm gonna bring a little heaven.
@maoyyyyyyyy peach mango pie

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Deep down in my soul I do not trust this bitch but damn.. please break all my bones 🥺🥺

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I wish I could delete Walk On Water from my memory so that I can experience it for the first time all over again. It was fucking amazing.

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Thinking about Chigiri voiced by Sawashiro Miyuki ☺☺❤

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I'm reading Life In Orange by Lizmi and lmaoo 🤣

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Must. Protecc. Forever. 😭😭💕

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Ahhh we love a crazy slutty uke in this house lmaohdjdjdj

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Yeppp. Ang daming rapey scenes... whyyy 😭 mej popular-ish ata sya 👀 omg omg also sa flashback, yung isang mc kamuka ni fushiguro 😭 eeeek

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Yisss. Huhu dark sya. May mga rapey/straigt up rape scenes din. Di ko alam pinasok ko pero i continued kasi I was attached na lmao. MC super looks like inumaki!

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