//=time() ?>
two cool looking cats for @/storkprince and @/pretzelmintz !!
gachagon // HAVE NOT BEEN SHARING ATTACKS WHOOPS attacks for astrumnyx, @/mayabumblebee , @/jingle_belIs , and lightvznz!
ATTACK!!! for BioHermistry and @/redcrowzk + @/blue_kittyz !!
plus two revenges for NaomiDuck and @/sugarrmoon0 !!
more revenges!
ALMOST FORGOT these are for @/spiderperks and @/yokaibytes
MANY revenges!! for @/Eeveecat12, @/jammer53v33, @/BeRobophobic, and @/BackwashPickle !
two revenges! one for @/FableStarlet and one for Lord_Ako!
time for revenge! for @/MunchasaurOcto !
blood // did this last night! for @/Effieskitties !