

Image and gif maker / Pixel art / Anime / Confused / Cursed alias

⚠️ flashing hazards

フォロー数:1577 フォロワー数:9678

Tysm sir grailcastle for collecting Soldiers and means a lot, hope you see this!!!

5 45

Preparing ETH drops 🔥

5 40

Gm lemonade, gm virus, gm unsmaked

0 24

Returning to my hometown in a few months, not many good stories after the failure of the this mission. Proud of these 120 days not smoking cigarettes (no weed for ~150), I can deny any other substances but feels like just by being there a joint will pop out of my mouth somehow

2 46

Completing 12 hours on topic 2, only stopped for basic needs...

wtf happened here? I'll be a gimp expert before I know

0 4