Sumishta Brahmさんのプロフィール画像

Sumishta Brahmさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator, freelance graphic designer, artist, musician for 13 Frightened Girls (the band) and Seven Ash Green, photographer, poet and joyous revolutionary.

フォロー数:620 フォロワー数:169

A young tree where we live was getting strangled by the supports and straps from when it was first planted. So last Friday I emailed the council about it and this Monday a tree guy attended to every tree on the street! Good things can happen if you nudge a little bit! 😊🌳#tree

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I don't need to be right about anything. I just want good things to happen. That seems plausible to me.

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Not to be a party-pooper but I do worry about the animals who are really badly affected by sudden noises and bright lights. In a time when Climate Change and the loss of animal species should be a priority, why is it there is so much money literally blown on fireworks?

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Take care of your inner self. There’s more to you than the outer self.

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Wishing you all a joyful Yuletide Season and Happy and Healthy New Year - illustration by Sumishta ©2019

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By total coincidence or magic I did this on a !!

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Charlotte's Web was one alll-time fav of mine. So heartwarming, sad and hopeful.

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Still looking for illustration possibilities..any ideas?

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Wishing everyone on the March on Washington courage strength and love.

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