Sherlock Holmes (Derogatory)さんのプロフィール画像

Sherlock Holmes (Derogatory)さんのイラストまとめ

THE Chicken Tendie cuck (Alec) • Icon by ❤️@deer_cliff❤️ (16+ pls) I just talk openly about my ocs and post shitty doodles
art only: @hellhunde

フォロー数:125 フォロワー数:189

9. Keira Lopez

He/Him lesbian. can use she for him be he prefers he. Werewolf pack leader after his past leader was killed investigating a thing. He likes messing with people to get a reaction out of them but gets embarrassed if anyone tries to actually bite back

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8. Damian Star

freak. like everything with this guy is spoilers sorry! he's a freak but sexy

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7. Olive Star

Dom's bio mom! on the flip side of parents, abandoned dom at a shadowmarket at the age of five because [redacted for spoilers]. Misses Dom a lot though and hope he's doing well

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6. Cicero Cardinalcurrent

Dominic's adopted dad. Had a parabatai of his own who died and it sent him into an awful depression. Adopting dominic really helped him pull out of the worst of it. Adores Dom to no end and wants nothing more than to see him happy and successful

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5. Ava Coralstar

a normal person before becoming a shadowhunter like mattias. best friends with mattias and bonds over living a life in the normal world. also i will say she made her shadowhunter last name after her warrior cat oc. Only person in the group with a braincell

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4. Nerissa Lakearrow

closeted lesbian. very quiet. doesn't like talking about herself all that much. came into the friend group just because she started hanging around everybody else and everyone was like "oh! okay!" she likes being around them just doesn't talk much.

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3. Mattias Windblade

ACTUAL PERFECT BOY!!!! is a big nerd, loves dnd, pokemon, anime, videogames etc. Nice nerd guy. He's incredibly nice and has a big crush on Theron but never seems to find the right time to actually confess to him.

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2. Dominic Olivemoor

bitch boy. conceited selfish bitch. He was really popular/good at the academy, and developed an ego. he really doesn't want people to think he likes men but then looks like the gay best friend in every sitcom. parabatai with theron and weirdly possessive

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shoutout to my cat boy oc trevor marks no he does not have a big role in the story but i don't care i love him

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i will forever bring up their original concepts for the rest of time. what the fuck

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