

Hello everyone! My name is Ana, animator and illustrator from Argentina! Currently freelancer✨

commissions: OPEN!
Store: pre-orders open

フォロー数:115 フォロワー数:108

I know I have an artblock because I'm drawing busts

3 7

For the ones that don't know, this is actually a YCH and it's totally available if someone wants one! https://t.co/Z0orrkncBv

4 5

GOD, I made a panel redraw of and it was oh my god, my head hurts

8 11

Here's my try! Hope the best for you and the team ♥️✨ https://t.co/LmRluuLqdr

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Commission I made for !!Thanks for commissioning me!

3 14

I made this drawing of my boy Andrew!!! HE HAS A MULLET NOW!

4 9

Who's the owner of that hand? maybe it's you, it's me, it's both of us, it can be anyone actually

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