

21 - She/Her - based in 🇮🇳 || ig: @sunnychutney || 💌 [email protected] 💌

フォロー数:180 フォロワー数:75

30 of 365 | "ONEK-HOTOK"
@/onekgram's new typeface is out! I was given the chance to try out the font early & I had tons of fun using it in different styles. I can definitely say that this is a font most of you could find some sort of use of - No matter the genre. Go get it!!

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04 of 365 | "THE MANDALORIAN"
Happy I had to make a poster of my favourite character, din djarin, from show. Cannot wait for mando to come back.
Original Picture was by Michael Marias on Unsplash.


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