sunny !!☀️🍉さんのプロフィール画像

sunny !!☀️🍉さんのイラストまとめ

they/he/she, nonbinary aroacespec lesbian ☀️ calamity trio enthusiast (EXPLODES) 🌻 digital artist (i mainly post amphibia related drawings :P) 🌼 adhdtistic ⭐️

フォロー数:411 フォロワー数:785

im so excited and nervous I CANR WAIT UNTIL WE CAN SEE THEM AGAIN

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really wanted to draw eda in the outfit she was wearing in that one hagsquad drawing dana did for gallery nucleus!!

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these two drawings are my favourites,,, im really proud of them :D

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raine would definitely cheer the loudest for eda when she plays grudgby

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hi!!! im sunny and im an enby lesbian who draws a lot of raeda :D

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