

Just a big Magik fan looking to share his thoughts on this awesome character.

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Why is Illyana's new Rod Reis costume so much better than the old Bachalo costume when they have so many similarities? In a word, emphasis. 1

16 150

According to the author, Magik will be the unofficial leader of the Midnight Suns. + The cover for issue 3.

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After AvX, Scott and Emma were broken in much the same way Illyana was, and this allowed Scott to finally relate to Illyana on her own terms. Finally there was someone in her life who could understand how broken she was and not resent her for it. 11

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The friendship between Illyana and Scott is one of the most compelling and yet unexpected in the X-Men. 10 years ago I never would have expected it. In fact, I would have expected them to hate each other. 1

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Mutants as a group will remember how she stuck with Cyclops and then Storm through thick and thin. The former refugees of X-Haven will remember how she saved them. And her high-profile exploits such as in X of Swords and Curse of the Man-Thing will win her further support. 21

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Much has been made of the fact that Illyana is the War Captain and current leader of the New Mutants while longtime leader Dani Moonstar is currently just a teacher/therapist, but there is a reason for this. 1

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