

Hobby comic artist. Now: #Accused_salieri comic (based on real story and with cyberpunk sense) in progress

フォロー数:25 フォロワー数:134

«Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.... ahahahaha..... 😆»

4 28

ep10 part1 (eng)

PS I'm sorry that the poems are not in artistic translation)

4 10

-I like cigarettes, Tony. Fire... tamed by the fingers. You know, I often think about the hours a person spends staring into the smoke of a cigarette and thinking... how many great ideas are born at such hours, huh?
- What's on your mind, Chris?
- Just one great idea, kid

1 15

That awkward feeling when you know the design of Tesoro better than of your own bike lol 😂 just redraw of one frame from the first episode. Just again yep).

2 21

-...the universe is infinite, everything is possible? All right, horses..
- And no electricity.
- Are you raising the level of absurdity?)Then, in that Veinna, you're wearing a stupid wig
- Ha, and you're wearing a lace camisole 🤣
- R u kidding?😅
- Tony... Maybe I'm serious?)

2 24

“ I only remember
That God is soulless”

0 22