


フォロー数:139 フォロワー数:880

they chose the right image to represent her on the wiki

1 10

marine is a cryptid who only exists past the edge of your vision

1 12

i think this is a hilarious specific thing to bring back

0 17

me: what’s that. that fucking. Centipede pokémon they added in swsh

rosi: … scolipede

me: nonono this is. This one evolves into centiskorch it’s uhhhhhh-

(spends several minutes pulling it up on bulbapedia)

-SIZZLIPEDE. this thing looks like a fffffucking *CHERRY AIRHEAD*.

1 20

LOSING my shit over gaston’s heartless

1 13

lean/more animal backpack socks gone wide-eyed vulnerable

3 8