

Ducks waddle when we walk’ NFT 🦆✨ SupDucks 👉

フォロー数:2533 フォロワー数:61691


👉Over the next 30 days, we're giving away 15 ducks...or more if we're having fun.

To enter the giveaway for this primo itchy a$$ sweater duck:

✅Retweet and tag 3 frens or just go ham ;)

907 1203


Less than 24 hours until the final egg is given away.


🦆 Only duck owners are eligible.
➡️ Join the Discord:

**If you haven't gathered yet, this boi is special**

27 116

Good morning gang!

🚨We have another a giveaway🚨

This one is a little different though.

To participate:

✅You need to own a duck
✅ You need to join the discord and watch for the upcoming announcement.

Also, this one is kind of special too ;)

61 209

Feelin' cute, might change someone's life tonight...idk

205 1090

🚨🚨🚨 Giveaway 🚨🚨🚨

This time we're cranking it up a notch. The prize is one of our dopest special edition ducks!

To enter the giveaway:

✅Retweet & Tag 2 Future Ducks

704 1010