

I just draw things that I like. icon by @cannedcabbage!

フォロー数:1037 フォロワー数:7592

it's not licensed yet but my current favorite is called ikoku nikki, starring an aunt and a niece, about how people deal with grief in different ways. sometimes heavy, sometimes light, lovely emotional balance, and makes me cry all the time T__T

0 13

do you think there are dentists in the galaxy far far away

462 2202

(spoiler warning??)

read a little more and drew a little more, and also i guess this is a poppy war fanart thread now

38 95

i finished reading the lives of christopher chant 2 days ago, it was a funny book! i doodled sometimes while i was reading and found a particular moment i liked

22 90

i'm just gonna keep drawing kusuriya stuff until i get bored but probably not for a while bc i have 5 more volumes of the WN to read HAH

4 29

oops spent all day reading manga again

7 35

beep boop

327 1422