

Merging art and tech to craft a unique universe of experiences.
Blockchain & AI advocate.

フォロー数:2548 フォロワー数:3690

Some say he created us in his own image, and that makes him flawed... Others say he is almighty, but almighty beings wouldn't have antagonists like the Demiurge has... Still, I would urge not make a foe out of him, since he is among the most powerful entities of universe.

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OOC: This is Zeus in the SuperVerseAI Universe :)

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Hades has questionable actions, though his role in the balance of power, is unquestionably a necessity. Hades doesn't usually go out of his way to cause harm, so what's best not to cross his path...

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OOC: I got Leviathan and not only, in my universe so already locked n'loaded ^_^

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I don't remember what I was dreaming about, but at one moment I clearly heard a voice saying "I am Leviathan! My nest is the abyss, and I reign over it... You don't need your eyes to see, just your mind to be free..."

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OOC: And my Zeus, is on the blockchain ^_^ Enjoy your time golfing! ^_^

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OOC: SuperVerseAI can create the new generation of supers, because of original characters such as "Metaverse Protector". This character can educate new generations about the risks/mechanisms of web3 and this makes SuperVerseAI up to date/coherent with the present and the future!

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