radiant is the blood of the baboon heartさんのプロフィール画像

radiant is the blood of the baboon heartさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:334 フォロワー数:909

repost of old T-elos Tuesday art. I need to continue this again 😵

20 30

fuck it, thread of my personal favorite albums this year 👍

starting with Melt My Eyes See Your Future by Denzel Curry, HOW did this one not get considered at all? There's not even one skippable song on here imo

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this is actually peak Xenoblade character design, you may not like it but this is what it looks like

5 31

Gears- Id and Emeralda
Saga- KOS-MOS V4 and Jr.
Blade1- Alvis
B3- Taion and Lanz tbh
X- Elma but thats obv so i'd also say Ga Jiarg and Ga Buidhe (i honestly wanna draw them one day)

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why do i love this satanic green goblin ass schizophrenic global terrorist so much bruh

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im not the type of guy to be like "that" but cmon...

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completely unironic actually. i think her saga 2 design was really good but just didnt fit w the artsyle for saga 2,basically like every other design from the game

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