

Casual English account for information and translations of Coly's Otome smartphone puzzle × scenario game, Stand My Heroes ✨ Mods in following!

フォロー数:8 フォロワー数:717

Bus Driver:
Imaoji Shun
I will definitely protect their safety until they reach the school.

School Nurse:
Shindo Kiyoshi
Now is the time to play, learn, as well as building a healthy body.

Miyase Go
I want to see everyone full of smiles with my delicious meals.

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Asagiri Tsukasa (Homeroom Teacher of Bear Class)
I am thankful to have been able to meet the Bear Class with their shining personalities.

Arakida Sosei (Assistant Homeroom Teacher of Bear Class)
I treasure every day that I can better myself together with the children.

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Aoyama Itsuki (Homeroom Teacher of Rabbit Class)
I want to spend every day having fun with the Rabbit Class that has unique personalities and a sense of unity.

Natsume Haru (Assistant Homeroom Teacher of Rabbit Class)
As long as Itsuki-sensei is there, Rabbit Class will be okay.

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The Teachers:

Maki Keita (Homeroom Teacher of Chick Class)
I value the relaxed atmosphere that’s characteristic of the Chick Class.

Kagura Aki (Assistant Homeroom Teacher of Chick Class)
I want to create a pleasantly warm environment making use of handmade toys.

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Age: 5
Likes: Lunch break
Dislikes: Alarm clocks
Teacher's comment: He’s good at hide-and-seek, and he also knows a lot of books.

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Age: 5
Likes: Learning to write
Dislikes: Climbing bars
Teacher's comment: He’s doing his best with many things like studying as well as playing.

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Age: 5
Likes: Coloring
Dislikes: Skipping rope
Teacher's comment: He helps us out a lot, and he’s good at putting things in order.

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🐱Cat Class🐱
Age: 5
Likes: Flowers
Dislikes: Completely dark rooms
Teacher's comment: He’s kind to everyone, and he always waters the flowers first.

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Age: 4
Likes: Computers
Dislikes: Naptime
Teacher's comment: He’s good at talking, so we really look forward to his future.

Age: 4
Likes: Meat
Dislikes: Books that are hard to read
Teacher's comment: He can run fast, and he makes his friends smile.

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🐻Bear Class🐻
Age: 4
Likes: Swabs
Dislikes: Sports festival
Teacher's comment: He’s straightforward when it comes to things he has an interest in, like observing and experimenting.

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