🔥 • sutan // 💈さんのプロフィール画像

🔥 • sutan // 💈さんのイラストまとめ

Art & NFTs. Curator. @TeiaCommunity team.

Official $POLE account: @tezospole


フォロー数:3957 フォロワー数:5907

Yeah love them, this was my first son, lol. I have one left:

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There is still this .gif by Kaspar available for free:

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Did you check these new interactive artworks by on Hic et Nunc? Love that they are quite different. Both at 5Tz:


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OBJKT#271346 is a 1Tz artwork by , 10% royalties. Undercutters were selling it at 1.2999Tz with some fight, 4hours after the initial drop. That's around 10% profit in 1Tz, lol. Counting fees, time and bad plays, does this effort pay off?

3 15

I've bought this one piece by because I stood looking at the center point while it rotates and is hypnotic. Yes, im high. 6/10 eds., 3,5Tz:


0 10

I'm so happy today!! has had some awesome secondary market buys. I'm glad his generative projects are getting more attention since it's well deserved. Looking forward to buy more of his:


2 12

Super cool crazy shit. Can't be all about generative art! OBJKT#246772 by 23/30 eds. available at 2Tz:


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New generative artwork by , OBJKT#244791 - VEIL, 987/1000 eds., 0.1TZ, changes with every click:


4 11

Fuck, I forgot, is an interactive artwork!! FULLY SCALABLE!!!

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