

25+ 🧚🏻‍♀ lifelong fan girl, a member of many fandoms. sometimes I write fic.…

フォロー数:574 フォロワー数:11352

look at them 🥹 all I want is their happiness

38 451

Imagine you’re traveling and you come across this guy. I would tell everyone I know about him

19 190

The fact that he always looks mildly inconvenienced by life is so sexy of him

196 1339

the kacchako shipper in me was just activated like a sleeper agent

23 314

you know who’s underrated? this freaking cutie pie

22 164

Furudate giving us crumbs after the manga has long since ended like:

50 228 so pure. I’m crying so many happy tears

50 180