

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ its techno, everything is just techno, and will always be techno
feel free to use any art i make, w/ credit ofc ❤

mee2 - @A_DailyDoodle

フォロー数:1871 フォロワー数:1868

like i have the templates to work off of but i dont use them? i always end up redrawing each outline for a new pig=longer wait time soz <3 🫠🫠
8 this time \o/

26 202

i drew giving Mr.technodad a little tour of their server! (with special guest try and spot them :D)

50 319

he is mid battle(?) winning obvs

28 345

your poor pockets 😱
its okay, i got a couple boxes instead

1 6