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Wow, someone still liked this tweet? 😂 okay, I’ll share one that’s a recent series & pretty much not news for my usual followers: TsukasaSenku from Dr Stone 😍🙏🏻💕
Also enjoy HyouSen & StanSen too (Basically I like ukeSenkubowl in case you haven’t figured that out by now😂)
@kannaproduction @kannaproduction (just in case you didn't get notified😅)
Happy bday again! I said doodle but I went overboard😂Anyway I know you're going through difficult times & this is not much but I do hope it'll brighten your day up a little🤗 (Strife Delivery offers 💋 to bday person😏)
12th pic (favs aren’t in any order, just counting the likes lol)
Gundam Wing: I like 3x1 more than 2x1 but it’s obvious they make 1x2 EVERYWHERE 😂😅
And Heero is voiced by my fav Seiyuu Midorikawa Hikaru-sama 🤩🙏🏻💕💕💕 (In a more modern role, he voices Best Jeanist from BNHA)
Thanks for indulging 💕
I’m a bit greedy with One Piece 😂
It used to start out with ZoLu (still do)
And then later thanks to the ‘extras in the anime’, there’s LawLu
BG wise, I like HanLu 😅😅
What can I say, Luffy is adorbs 😭🙏🏻💕
Kingdom Hearts!
First play: Sora & Kairi be together!
Second play: Riku is fighting for Sora’s affections HARD 😂
In the end I like RikuSora a little more than SoraKairi (RoxSo & AxSo are bonuses)
BTW, I think there’s more RiSo medals than SoKai medals in UX!? ROFLMAO 🤣
I did say I like BG ships so here’s one!
Probably my first ship ever since I watched the anime as a kid - always wondered why their relationship had many obstacles 😅
Now that I think about it, this may be where my size difference likes came from… 🤔
Again, thanks for indulging me 🙏🏻💕
Another OTP I like is AkaKuro from Kuroro no Basket
This is another anime where ppl can ship everyoneKuroko (KagaKuro strangely remains as bromance for me 😂)
The author had mentioned Aka & Kuro to be siblings before the idea got scrapped😏
Thanks for indulging me lol
Other favs goes back to ConYuu (ConrartYuuri) from Kyou Kara Maou!
Interesting fact: Both chars have same Seiyuu as Sefikura! Ironically, Conrart is gentle compared to Sephiroth while Yuuri is slightly more cheerful than Cloud 😂
Let’s start with a series I haven’t seen anyone mention yet:
Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn!
I can’t choose between these two OTP, they’re just always there 😅
MukuroTsuna(6927) & AdultRebornTsuna(R27)
Tbf the KHR fandom ships nearly everyoneTsuna, including myself back then 😂