

gintama 松下村塾

フォロー数:779 フォロワー数:357

these npc's hyping up Takasugi cracks me up so hard?😭

"that overwhelming power"
"that iron will"
"not a lick of fear"

And Takasugi over there just playing it cool🗿

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GinZura Week 2021 prompt "hero" 「ヒーロー」I'm

41 145

Katsura enjoys pissing off Hijikata 😂

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if you would allow me to redirect your attention to these four specifically.... 😌🥺

thank you Sorachi 😍

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Sadaharu🐾 and yato rabbit kagura🐰 and glasses shinpachi👓

Which one do you want to try 😳

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I really loved this simple dialogue Shoyo said to Takasugi:

"Doubt yourself, lose your way and become the kind of [samurai] you want to be."

Replace 'samurai' with PERSON.

Building character / finding your way in life is always a work-in-progress! Mess up lots and keep going!

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Mmm im not gonna say it

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